The St. Louis Arthritis Walk will once again be held on the Logan campus on Friday, May 16, 2014.
Teams have already been created for each trimester, as well as a team for faculty and staff.
Here are two great ways to earn money for the Arthritis Foundation:
Penny Wars
March 12th-April
All Proceeds go towards the Arthritis Foundation
Trimester Class that raises the Most Money for the
Arthritis Walk Wins!
Drop your pennies in the buckets outside of the SDC Office
Place: Pizza Party
Place: Breakfast Burritos
Place: Cookies
Cardinals Night at the Ballpark
Look for the flyer in your Logan email. Fill it out, write your team name on it and return it to:Arthritis Foundation
9433 Olive Blvd., Ste 100
St. Louis, MO 63132
For each ticket you sell, you get $10 towards your fundraising goal!
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